Dry Eye Clinic
We specialize in Dry Eye Therapy and Dry Eye Treatment in contact lens wearers. Dr. Funk has been a dry eye sufferer for over 10 years. TREATMENT WORKS!!
Q. Is Dry Eye Treatment covered under my vision insurance?
A. Dry Eye Diagnosis and Treatment requires medical evaluation and/or office visits beyond routine eye care visits. Medical visits and diagnosis of eye disease can not be billed to your optical insurance. They must be billed only to your major medical coverage such as Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Q. Is Dry Eye Syndrome Common?
A. YES! Dry Eye Syndrome is very common and affects 10 million Americans. Seventy-five percent of post-menopausal women have eye irritation of some kind. More than 1 million men over the age of 50 have serious dry eye.
Q. Is Dry Eye Syndrome Serious?
A. It can be if left untreated. Dry Eye Syndrome not only causes decreased vision and physical discomfort, but it can lead to other ocular diseases. Everyday activities, such as using a computer, watching TV, and comfortably wearing contact lenses can be difficult.
Factors that Contribute to Dry Eye Syndrome:
Age – 40+ years and female
Environment – low humidity, fans
Wearing contact lenses
Anti-Depressant Medications
Allergy Medications – Antihistamines
Decongestants – Ex: Sudafed
Pain Relievers
Blood Pressure Medication
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Computer Usage
Excessive Reading or Watching TV
Lasik – Refractive Surgery
Autoimmune Diseases
Dry Eye Symptoms Checklist
Foreign Body Sensation – feeling like there is something in the eye
Dryness of the eye
Mucous discharge
Sandy or gritty feeling
Constant or occasional tearing
Watery Eyes
Light sensitivity
Eye pain or soreness
Lid Infections
Tired eyes
Contact lens discomfort
Contact lens solution sensitivity
Frequent use of lubricants
If you have marked more than 2 or 3 of these symptoms – please schedule a dry eye examination today!
Related Conditions
Sinus congestion
Nasal congestion
Runny nose
Post-nasal drip
Chronic cough
Allergies or hay fever
Frequent colds
Middle ear congestion
Dry throat or mouth
Dry Eye Syndrome can be treated by the following modalities or a combination of the following:
Oral Medications
Punctal Plugs
Punctal plugs are a non-invasive means of increasing the comfort of your eyes. It only takes a few minutes for the doctor to complete this procedure. This procedure requires a topical anesthetic only. It works well for non-inflammatory dry eye, as well as, dry eye secondary to computer use and allergy sufferers.
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
This is a common cause of dry eye syndrome! Meibomian glands are the oil-producing glands located in both the upper and lower eyelids. They normally slowly release oil into the tear film. This oil helps
to stop the water in the tears from evaporating, thus helping to prevent dry eyes. Sometimes the oil becomes slightly thicker than normal which can lead to blockage of the narrow duct which takes the oil from the gland to the tear film.
This is the most prevalent condition in the Midwest, as well as, one of the most under diagnosed and untreated. We commonly treat this condition in our office.