We provide the latest in contact lens technology. Dr. Funk was one of the first optometrists in Central Illinois to offer Accelerated Corneal Molding in order to help slow the progression of myopia in children. Dr. Funk received his training at the National Eye Research Foundation in 2000. We offer customized design of contact lenses for all ages.
We specialize in Myopia Control for children – ask us about our “CANDY” plan! We use a corneal topographer to customize your contact lenses. We have extensive experience in fitting post surgical problems, keratoconus, difficult to fit cases and dry eye complications.
We customize retainers (a specialized contact lens) in order to
help slow the progression of nearsightedness. These retainers
are left in for 6 to 8 hours or more and eliminate or reduce the
need for glasses or contacts during the day. Ask our staff for
more info.
Myopia, or Nearsightedness, is an epidemic in children. If your
child is having trouble with his or her distance vision, or
experiencing rapid increase in his or her glasses prescription,
please ask our office how our CANDY Plan may help. We are
here to help slow the progression of nearsightedness.
To determine what changes in the eyes of children cause
certain eyes to progress in nearsightedness more slowly:
Corneal Reshaping Controls Myopic Progression in Children
Primary Care Optometry News – S. Barry Eiden, FAAO
LORIC – Long Term Ortho-K Research in Children) Cho, Pauline
CRAYON – Corneal Reshaping and Yearly Observation of Nearsightedness – An Update to the LORIC study – Walline, Jeff
SMART Study – Stabilization of Myopia through Accelerated Reshaping Technology – Eiden, Davis, Herzberg
Dr.Funk was trained by Dr. Cary Herzberg at NERF (National Eye Research Foundation)
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